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We train on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 18:15 to 19:30 at Framwellgate School Durham. We have a range of groups suitable for athletes of 8 years old up to adults. Places are limited due to coaching numbers, so all athletes must sign-up using our weekly form, which is posted on our Phoenix Flyers Facebook page.


Training usually takes place outside on the running track whenever weather permits, but we occasionally need to use the small gym and other areas of the school's facilities. Updates are posted on our Facebook page.

For hydration at every turn_edited.jpg


We advise all athletes to bring a water bottle with them to training to ensure they stay hydrated throughout the session.

DALL·E 2024-01-18 11.23.50 - An image of a young athlete, approximately 16-18 years old, r


During the winter months it's important that all athletes wear high-visibility tops to ensure they can be seen at all times. The club sells branded high-viz jackets that can be worn over a training top if you don't already have one.

Image by Luke Chesser


Please ensure all athletes arrive on time, ready for a 18:15 start. This ensures each session is not compromised for other athletes.

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